Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Etsy--What does the Name Mean?

I love mysteries and the origin of Etsy's name is definitely a big one. It seems as if Rob Kalin, Etsy's founder, is choosing not to reveal the conception of the name on purpose, to keep the heads of answer-thirsty people like me spinning in wonder.

Even "The Name Inspector" could only speculate at its meaing. Here's a link if you want the satisfaction of knowing what the name might mean. http://www.thenameinspector.com/etsy/

The whole Etsy mystery reminds me of the hit television series "Lost". Except "Lost" was full of mysteries (which they epicly failed at solving for all the completely lost viewers out there), but so far this is the only Etsy mystery I've stumbled across. I have a strong feeling that the Etsy admin want the members to make up their own meaning for Etsy. Maybe they feel that they would be limiting what the imaginations of such creative people are capable of. If everyone comes up with their own interpretation of the name's meaning based on their personal experiences on the site, it is bound to have more import to them.

That's my 2 cents. What about you? What do you think Etsy means?